Invited Presentations
2024 „Dones caídas”? Die Erforschung politisierter Medizin während der Franco-Diktatur in Katalonien anhand von Opferbiographien – 29. Deutscher Katalanistentag, Gießen (September 13)
2023 Combatting Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Times of Crises. Closed Venereology Wards in Spain after the Civil War – European Association for the History of Medicine and Health Conference, Oslo (August 30)
2023 Primum non nocere? Gender and Medicine in Early Francoist Spain – Beyond Binaries: Gender, Sexuality and Medicine in Post-War Europe, Hamburg (June 10)
2022 “Piratas teutones“? Representations of Germany during the Great War in Spain – Representations of Germany during the Great War: Greek and international Perspectives, Berlin (November 19 / online)
2022 Disziplinierung durch politisierte Medizin? Das „Wegsperren“ in geschlossene Einrichtungen zur Bekämpfung von Geschlechtskrankheiten während der Franco-Diktatur (1939-1975) – Quarantäne. Interdisziplinäre Tagung, Frankfurt/M. (November 3)
2022 “Pintados por sí mismos“? National Sketch Collections and the Transnational Formation of Cultural Knowledge in the Iberian World (1830-1860) – Connected Histories of Spain, Paderborn (September 22)
2022 Politicised Medicine? Combating Sexual Diseases in Spanish Fascism (1939-1945) – Primum non nocere. Physicians and Society in Europe (18th-20th Centuries), Pardubice (September 9 / online)
2022 The Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Gendered Violence in Francoist Spain – 43rd Association for Iberian Studies Annual Conference, Palma de Mallorca (September 7 / online)
2022 „Zentrum der Kriminalität”? Bars und Kneipen als Gewaltorte in Barcelona während der Zwischenkriegszeit (1918-1936) – Tavernes, cafés, bistrots…. Lieux de sociabilité populaire des années 1750 aux années 1920, Tours (June 2)
2022 Stereotypical Depictions of Foreigners and Minorities in Barcelona before the Spanish Civil War (1918-1936) – The Other. Stereotype and Prejudice in History, Pula (May 27 / online)
2022 Stereotypical Depictions of Foreigners and Minorities in Barcelona before the Spanish Civil War (1918-1936) – The Other. Stereotype and Prejudice in History, Pula (May 27 / online)
2022 Dark Heritage vs. Kulturelles Erbe? Der Zugang zu Archivalien in Spanien zwischen Bewältigung der Franco-Diktatur und katalonischen Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen – Strategien der Verhinderung. Der Zugang zu Archivalien in Frankreich und Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich, Paris (January 20 / online)
2021 Ara és hora, segadors! Songs, Urban Space and Gender in Radical Catalan Nationalism (1918-1919) – "Defenders of the Motherland". Masculinity and Femininity in Catalan Nationalism, Berlin (December 3 / online)
2021 „Eiserne Chirurgen“? Regionale Akteure und Strategien früh-faschistischer Herrschaftsdurchsetzung während der Diktatur Primo de Riveras – Regionale Frühfaschismen. Faschistische Herrschafts-durchsetzung und -rezeption im interregionalen Vergleich, Brixen (November 12)
2021 Social Sketches and the Formation of Global Knowledge in the Atlantic World (1830-1860) – 7th Summer Academy of Atlantic History, Bayreuth (August 29 / online)
2021 Gender and the Spanish Fascisms (1923-1975) – Gendering Fascism. Imagineries, Media, Technologies, Düsseldorf (July 30 / online)
2021 '‘Visca Catalunya Lliure!’ Regionalist Battles on the Ramblas in the Immediate Aftermath of WWI' – Europe reframed: regionalisms, sub-state nationalisms and the redrawing of state borders in the interwar period, Santiago de Compostela (May 28 / online)
2021 A Failed (Welfare) State? Social Policy and Migrant Labour in Barcelona from the First World Fair to the Spanish Civil War (1888-1936) – Citizenship, Migration and Social Rights. Historical Experiences from the 18 th to the 20 th Century, Berlin (March 3 / online)
2021 Arbeitsmigration und soziale Konflikte in Barcelona von der ersten Weltausstellung bis zum Spanischen Bürgerkrieg (1888-1936) – (Post-)Migration und Konflikte, Berlin (February 10 / online)
2020 Gesellschaftsskizzen als transregionales Wissensformat – Außeruniversitäre Forschung und Innovationspraktiken in Europa (17.-21. Jahrhundert), Frankfurt (November 20 / online)
2020 Colonial War Experiences and “The Spanish Holocaust” (1936-1939) – Colonial Paradigms of Violence. Comparative Analysis of the Holocaust, Genocide and Mass Killing, München (November 11 / online)
2020 Erdbezogenes Wissen in mexikanischen Literaturzeitschriften zur Zeit der Unabhängigkeit (1830-1860) – Historisches Forum „Erde – Natur – Wissen, Leipzig (October 13 / online)
2020 Vergessene Tote? Bürgerkriegsdenkmäler und Heritage-Communities in Barcelona im Zeitalter von katalanischen Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen und globalem Massentourismus – „denkmal: emotion mobilisierung. bindung. verführung.“ Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V., Bamberg (October 2)
2019 „…pintados por sí mismos“ - Processes of Social Reconfiguration in National Sketch Collections in Latin America during the Period of Independence (1830-1860) – Latin American Transitions: Processes of reconfiguration, Leipzig (October 18)
2019 Die artículos de costumbres als ethnografisch-soziologisches Wissensformat in transatlantischer Perspektive zur Zeit der Staatsbildung (1830-1860) – Strategien der Repräsentation – Welt. Wissen. Gestalten - 42. Kongress der dgv, Hamburg (October 8)
2019 „Gesellschaftsskizzen“ als transatlantisches Wissensformat um die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts – IBG-Forum Wissenschafts- und Buchgeschichte, Leipzig (October 2)
2018 Der Erste Weltkrieg und seine Auswirkungen auf das städtische Leben und den Pistolerismo in Barcelona (1918-1923) – Stadt-Krieg-Literatur. Stadt und Urbanität unter den Bedingungen des Krieges, 1914-1945, Zürich (November 24)
2018 1918 and its impact on Regional Violence in Catalonia – The Local and the Regional Dimensions of 1918/19. A Comparison, Prag (October 6)
2018 The formation of ethnographic knowledge in Spain and its (post-) colonies within the ‘Cuadros de Costumbres’ during the 19th century – 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm (August 16)
2018 Cooperation or Confrontation? The interaction between the police forces and the vigilate group ‘Somatent’ during the time of Pistolerismo (1918-1923) in Barcelona – Popular Policing in Europe (18th - 20th centuries), Louvain-la-Neuve (May 31)
2016 Crime and Deviance in Barcelona’s China Town before the Civil War – International Postgraduate Port and Maritime History Conference 2016, Glasgow (April 14)
2014 Al Capone goes Catalonia? „Internationalization“ of Crime in Barcelona during the Second Republic (1931-1936) – 4th Congress of the European Network in Universal and Global History, Paris (September 4)
2014 The First World War and its impact on the Pistolerismo in Barcelona – One Hundred Years After 1914, Sarajevo (June 19)
2014 “Ara o Mai” The First World War and its Impact on Catalonia – Small Nations and Colonial Peripheries in World War I: Europe and the Wider World, Galway (June 14)
2013 Nur ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein? Armenfürsorge in Barcelona während der Zwischenkriegszeit – „For you always have the poor with you“ – From Charity to the Social Politics in Cities within the 18th - 20th Century, Prag (October 8)
2013 „Blood in the Docklands“: Crime and Disorder in Barcelona’s port area during the Restoration Monarchy – Port Towns and Urban Cultures Conference, Portsmouth (July 25)
2013 Students in Barcelona and Collective Violence before the Civil War – Student Revolt, City and Society, Helsinki (June 20)
2013 Mujeres de mala vida”?, Gender in the Criminal and Violent Networks in Barcelona during the Interwar Period – Gender in the European Town Network, Odense (May 23)
2013 Women activists in the time of Pistolerismo (1918-1923) – Women's Movements and Female Activists in the Aftermath of the First World War, 1918-1923, Budapest (May 17)
2013 Labour Leaders, Gun Men, Bomb Droppers – Revolution in its Everyday Setting during the Years of the Pistolerismo in Barcelona – In Search of Revolution, 1916 – 1923: Germany and its European Context, Köln (March 23)
2012 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly? Nationalism, Central State and Xenophobia in Contemporary Catalonia – Conference: “Worlds colide – connections/divisions /dialogues between cultures”, Poznań (December 7)
2012 Communities of violence in Barcelona during the Second Republic (1931-1936) – 11th International Conference on Urban History, Prag (August 30)
2012 The Port as a Source of Violence? Criminal Networks of Foreigners in Barcelona in the First Half of the 20th Century – Conference: Port City Lives, Liverpool (June 29)
2012 Secularization by pistols and flames? Anticlerical violence in Barcelona in the interwar years (1918-1936) – CIHEC Conference Religion and Resistance in Europe from Middle Ages to 21st century, Tartu (June 12)
2012 Robin Hood goes Metropolis? Communities of Violence in Barcelona during the Interwar-period and their Use of Violence – Conference “Violent Culture - Cultural Violence”, Cambridge (June 9)
2011 Wie Al Capone nach Katalonien kam – Fremde Gewaltgemeinschaften in Barcelona während der Zwischenkriegszeit – Weimarer Rendez-vouz mit der Geschichte: Gewaltmenschen – Menschengewalt, Weimar (Noveber 5)
2011 Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist Communities of Violence in 1920s Barcelona – Conference: “Terrorism and international politics: past, present, and future”. Genf (September 29)
2011 Urban Violence in Barcelona in the Interwar Years – Workshop: Practices and Communities of Violence from 16th to the 20th century, Florenz (May 30)
2010 Urban Violence in Barcelona in the Interwar Years – Conference: “Violence and societies in East Central Europe, 17th to 20th century”, Vilnius (Oktober 14)
Organization of conferences and workshops
2023 Summerschool „Kulturelle Bildung – Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven für die Schule“, Heidelberg (September 10-14) (together with Stefanie Samida and Eva-Maria Heindl)
2023 Panel discussion „Schwieriges Erbe? Herausforderungen im Unterricht und in der Lehrkräftebildung“, Heidelberg (May 24) (together with Karen Nolte and Michelle König)
2023 Lecture series „Immer nur höher, schneller, weiter? – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zu Sport als Kulturerbe in Gesellschaft, Schule und Lehrer:innenbildung“, Heidelberg (January 11 – February 15)
2022 Workshop „Schwieriges Erbe und seine Vermittlung“, Heidelberg (November 23) (together with Sebastian Mesch)
2022 Workshop „Was wäre, wenn…? (Kirchen-)Geschichte als offener Prozess im Unterricht“, Heidelberg (October 7) (together with Heidrun Dierk, Florian Bock and Lea Torwesten)
2022 Workshop „Wissenschaftliche Themen besser kommunizieren“, Heidelberg (March 24) (together with Christoph Bertolo)
2020 Global Connections and the Production of Knowledge in the 19 th Century, Munich (scheduled for May 29, postponed until further notice due to coronavirus)
2019 Dissecting Society III: Sketches of manners, genre paintings, social novels. Nineteenth-century popular genres as ethnographic formats, München (June 28) (together with Christiane Schwab, Adriana Markantonatos, Alexandra Rabensteiner and Anna Kuprian)
2012 Workshop „Urban Violence and Community in the Interwar Period: Barcelona, Berlin and Vienna”, München (May 15) (together with Sharon Bäcker-Wilke and Friedrich Lenger)
2010 Workshop „Gewaltgemeinschaften in der Europäischen Zwischenkriegszeit“, Gießen (January 26) (together with Sharon Bäcker-Wilke, Vytautas Petronis, Friedrich Lenger and Peter Haslinger)